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OMEX Environmental / Biological Compounds

Biological Compounds

Quick Enquiry

The main purpose of a biological wastewater treatment plant is to break down waste organics. Micro-organisms metabolise the soluble pollution producing carbon dioxide, water and more micro-organisms, also known as sludge.

Biological Compounds with Micromex

The performance of a biological system is highly dependent on the microbial strains present. In many cases, the biological population in an effluent treatment plant is not ideally adapted to cope with variations in loading and composition, and is unable to provide optimum performance.

OMEX Environmental offers the Micromex EU Range; bio augmentation solutions designed to optimise the biological activity in aerobic wastewater treatment plants, and individually tailored for all types of effluent.

What is it Micromex?

Micromex formulations are group 1 naturally occuring and appropriate non-pathogenic bacteria in high populations, designed to help and reinforce the existing biomass.

Why and when to use Micromex

Biological systems are dependent on the microbial strains present within them and many effluent treatment plants are not suited to cope any variations. Our Micromex bio augmentation solutions are designed to optimise the biological activity in aerobic wastewater treatment plants.

Micromex will result in optimal COD and BOD removal, sludge flocs with superior settling characteristics and the ability to target specific pollutants amongst other things.

Speak to Omex Environmental about your requirements for biological compounds and Micromex today.

Dr.-Ing. Friedmann
Our long-lasting and trustful relationship with OMEX enables us to focus on the challenges of our business. Dr.-Ing. Friedmann

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