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OMEX Environmental / Concrete Admixtures

Concrete Admixtures

Quick Enquiry

Concrete admixtures are the ingredients in concrete that are added to the mix immediately before or during mixing.

Producers use admixtures primarily to;

  • reduce the cost of concrete construction;
  • to modify the properties of hardened concrete;
  • to ensure the quality of concrete during mixing, transporting, placing, and curing;
  • to overcome certain emergencies during concrete operations.

What is Anomex?

Anomex CA is a calcium nitrate solution developed by OMEX Environmental for the construction industry as a multi-purpose concrete admixture and concrete setting accelerator, even in cold temperatures.

Why and when to use Anomex

Anomex CA is used to cast concrete in extremely cold temperatures. It also works to prevent corrosion in reinforced concrete by forming an oxide protective layer around the steel reinforcement. This helps to strengthen and increase the lifetime of the structure.

What to expect from Anomex

Anomex has the ability to cast concrete in extremely cold temperatures as well as to prevent corrosion in reinforced concrete and counterbalance of retardation process due to other admixtures.

Contact OMEX Environmental and speak to our team about your requirements for concrete admixtures.

Dr.-Ing. Friedmann
Our long-lasting and trustful relationship with OMEX enables us to focus on the challenges of our business. Dr.-Ing. Friedmann

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