Improving AD Outputs
Anaerobic Digestion is one of the main processes which produces renewable energy in the form of biogas. In order to perform this process, and for anaerobic plants to operate effectively, they require a variety of elements to be at their optimum level. An array of nutrients and micro-organisms are required to grow, in order for the AD plant to function effectively. However, it is often the case that anaerobic digesters and biogas plants are lacking in these vital micronutrients which means the plant is unable to function at optimum levels. This can lead to poor COD and/or organic solids removal, elevated VFA levels, bacterial slime production, poor microbial growth and poor granulation in UASB type reactors.
To combat these issues OMEX has developed a range of bio available micronutrient solutions to optimise microbial performance in AD plants.
Feedstock Quality
In order for the AD plant to function it needs to be fed the correct combination of nutrients. Feedstock quality can be improved in a number of ways, including correct feedstock management. Using the correct fertiliser, can help boost the crop and provide a strong healthy plant ready for the AD plant. OMEX Agriculture offer a range of liquid fertilisers to help boost crop performance.
Finally, weather. Although we’re unable to control the elements keeping an eye on forecasts to ensure the crop is harvested in prime conditions is key. Also following good harvesting, wilting and clamping methods will assist in providing a higher quality feedstock.
Keeping the biology healthy
Your process may be working well, but there is always room for improvement. The use of enzymes and micronutrients helps to keep the biology in the plant healthy and in turn boosting performance.
- Enzymes – enhance the hydrolysis stage which helps the feed become more available to the biomass
- Micronutrients – will help convert intermediate organics, that are produced during the hydrolysis stage, to biogas by stabilising and strenghtening the biology
- Active Fe – including iron helps in order to keep hydrogen sulphide formation at bay which means the contaminations stay in the digestate rather than become a gas and contaminate the end product, biogas. This as a result will leave room for better gas quality and higher methane production