What is Biogas used for?
Biogas is a type of biofuel that is naturally produced from the decomposition of organic waste. When organic matter, such as animal and food waste, breaks down in an anaerobic environment (an environment absent of oxygen) it releases a blend of gases, primarily methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas is flammable due to the high content of methane (typically 50-75%) which can be burned and used as an energy source.
How much energy can you get from waste?
The amount of energy produced depends on the feedstock that goes into a plant as well as the type of digester which is used. According to the renewable energy association, if all the UK’s domestic food waste was processed by AD, it would generate enough electricity for 350,000 households.
What are the benefits of Biogas?
Biogas is an environmentally-friendly energy source which alleviates two major environmental issues; Biogas generation recovers waste materials that would otherwise go to landfill and release dangerous levels of methane and it is an organic alternative to the use of fossil fuel energy.
How can I increase levels of Biogas?
Most digester feedstock lacks essential elements such as cobalt, iron, nickel and selenium, essential to the health and efficiency of a plant’s biology. In organic solid systems this deficiency can be spotted by high VFA levels, poor methane production and poor stability with regards to acidity. In wastewater treatment systems this can be seen by poor chemical oxygen demand (COD reduction) and poor granulation.
Trace Element Additives can provide and augment these essential elements in a fully bio available form. A digester sample can be analysed in the OMEX laboratory for its methane potential with AMPTs equipment (Automatic Methane Potential Test). This tells us what nutrients the digester is lacking and what it needs to be improved. Trace Element Additives, such as Nutromex®TEA can help to increase biogas volume, quality and improve digester stability.